Thursday, 10 July 2014

Assignment 3: Colour Wheel

3/7/2014(week 13)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin(0319405)
Assignment 3, Group Work : Colour Wheel

For todays lesson Ms Lisa had a brief lecture about the importance of colour wheel.She then asked us to split into groups of four and which we  had already decided

My Team Mates :
Shu Ling (Olivia)

This were the first sketches we did before Ms Lisa gave us a briefing on what the requirements were for this upcoming assignment of the  colour wheel

In this sketch we had roughly drawn out 5 ideas on how we wanted to do our colour wheel.

1.Volcano eruption 
-It basically erupts coloured lava.
-However this plan had been modified later on since Ms Lisa thought that a volcano lava has been done plenty of times and thought we should be more original.

2. Hot Air Ballon with a twist.
-the hot air balloon  will hold secret messages of all(our classmates/lectures) and at the end of the day we will release the ballon full of secrets up into the air ,sort of like a spiritual release 

3.Messy twister paint game 
-First lay down the twister blanket
_secondly add fabric dye onto the respective colour on the mat
- When playing with the messy twister paint,wear plain t-shirts since the paint is basically fabric dye and will stick and create patterns on the t shirt.

4.Fun face painting with a catch
 -basically your friends will paint your face with once colour but different shades of it,sort of a small competition

5.Bubble paint
-first place paint in a bowl and add water and start blowing into the bowl till it forms bubbles,once bubbles are created just press paper on top to create different patterns.

Sketch after Ms Lisa's speech and requirements :

We added more ideas to the sketches 

-The idea was to bake cupcakes and frost them with all the colours of the rainbows to the different hues.
-This idea was rejected because it was simple and obviously had been done before 
-However Ms Lisa still thought it was cute.

7.Rainbow Foam
-Its made from dish washing soap and food colouring,mix and whip them together and then boom you've got fluffy coloured foam.
-It is a simple idea where you place the foam in the basin and let people interact with it by placing their hands in the basin.
-Ms Lisa though it was interesting but wasn't interested with the idea

8.Egg Geodes 
-This sort of involves simple Chemistry 
-It is basically crystallised salt  using an egg shell that can be coloured later on to display pretty crystals.
-Ms Lisa thought it was a beautiful idea since it look shimmery and attractive,the only thing is that it is only nice to display.

Lastly,Ms Lisa choose for us the erupting volcano.However,she did added the fact that we didn't only have to make a volcano since a volcano has always been done,she wanted something original and different.She gave us a suggestion to make a tree instead,and let the tree branches splash out paint.It was just a suggestion but we kept that in mind.

We also had a back up plan.Since the volcano eruption requires more work to be done,Ms Lisa said that we should keep an eye out for a second option(plan B) incase anything fails.Our backup is the hot air balloon that carries secrete messages into the air.This was relatively  easy since all we needed to do was buy pre made helium balloons and basically just make and tie a light weight basket around the balloon for the place to insert the secret messages.


I have to keep in mind that after ever lesson I should just update my blog then and there since in the long run I know I will end up procrastinating and be lazy.At the same time it is really not that difficult to just write out what progress I've done so far.

I've also came to realised that most of us(classmates) are spreader and divided out evenly.What I meant was that everyone is not in their original group of friends,everyone is completely splited up and separated from each other.In a way I think its for the best ,sort of like an  ice breaker between all of us course mates.Even though ,we all know each others names and faces,sometimes we barely even say a word besides the usual hello's and goodbyes.So i think this will be a whole new experience to be able to be working with them and to see how these other people work and start storming ideas together.After all designers like us are supposed to explore beyond our comfort zones .Therefore I am both terrified and thrilled to be working with people outside of my close friends zone.we all must sort of get a feel of what others are capable of and who knows maybe something great will happen along the lines.

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